Saturday, January 31, 2009

Go Steelers



It takes loyal fans to live in Arizona and root for the Steelers. Mark is from Pennsylvania and has been a Steelers fan since at least 1970. It is the only team that our family cheers for (except for our beloved son-in-law, but he doesn't like salsa either, go figure). Mark and Samarah have been wearing their Steelers gear and have been getting non-stop harrassment. Most of these people have never cheered for the Cardinals before now.



I liked the pictures and wanted to share them.


Bobbi Jo Nichols said...

Yea baby go Steelers! Alan is one of those lets jump on the fan band wagon. He is a trader and I told him so. I hope Steelers kick there butts. No hard feelings here. LOL Dallas got razzed on Friday at school to with his jersey on. Oh well. Hugs, Bobbi Jo

Connie said...

You and I are "sistahs", chickee!! I feel the same way about my country. Hubs is a retired Marine and long line of MEN!!! fought and fight for MY country!! Amen, sistah......... Kiss your soldier for me and tell him THANK YOU!!!